There's something totally delicious about the beginning of a new project! My Pemberley quilt has finally arrived, and I'm already planning and plotting my design.
I'm a bit of late starter with this epic English Paper Pieced quilt, but I'm so excited to finally be making a start! Each block is named after a character in Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice novel. Except for the couple of extra blocks, that have names from elsewhere, but are no less enchanting designs.
This is first time I've ventured into piecing anything other than hexies or clamshells, so I'm feeling rather daunted! But there is plenty of inspiration on the #pemberleyepp hashtag on Instagram, and a facebook group to help answer all my questions.
I'm pairing my Liberty selections with Amy Butler's Natural Beauty fabric collection, and they are a match made in heaven!

Our own Ava&Neve Socialite, Cat had the honour of writing about the huge movement she helped to create. The #libertysocietykanthasal was featured on LibertyLondon's design blog as a wonderful stitching phenomenon that has taken off world wide. Go check out the post and see heaps of examples of beautiful kantha style stitching on Liberty fabric!
July's Liberty Society has further beauties for you to add to your Pemberley if you're making this amazing quilt.

Happy stitching!

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