July Liberty Society - Exciting New Prints & FREE PRINTABLES

Feb 2023

July's Society welcomes an exciting fresh new range of prints and a FREE printable!

Welcome to the July Liberty Society where we have a new and fresh range of prints for you this month, and a whole new storage system to introduce you to!

A new and beautiful storage solution is always a reason to celebrate, especially if it involves something as special Liberty Lawn.

I have a wonderful stash of Liberty fabrics that I've wanted to organise for sometime now, and I really wanted to use my Liberty as part of the storage solution.

A large amount of my stash are cuts of fat sixteenth size (9" x 13") and so I set about to design a box that would be able to use this small cut.

The result is the Modular Liberty Box, which uses just two fat sixteenths, plus some contrasting fabric to create a very simple but stunning fabric box!

The Modular Liberty Box measures 3.5" x 4.5" x 10", and is the perfect size for holding Liberty club cuts of lawn.

It also fits the Ikea Billy bookcase perfectly, and makes such great use of the space.

You can fit eight boxes across the width of the shelf, and each box easily holds about eighty fat sixteenths. Win win!

My favourite feature of course, is another range of printable and super cool labels.

Especially for our very own Aussie Society club, I've designed a set of the labels just for this!

Check your Ava & Neve happy mail parcels for an extra little pack of these cards, and little promotional card where you can purchase the pattern.

And if you'd like to print off even more exclusive Society themed labels, click the image above or the link here.

July's Society is a gorgeous range of new season's prints, perfect for kick starting your sew-jo again!

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Meet Ali Phillips

So glad you stopped by for a read! I'm a sewist with a passion for family, creativity, & organisation.