Get excited about classic tiny florals, vibrant geometrics, and classics re-coloured!
Welcome to the delicious autumn vibe of the April Liberty Society by Ava & Neve.
First, a little spring for you as I celebrate finishing the last blocks of my Pemberley quilt.
This is another Billilla block, and it's going to be the very brightest and the star of my quilt.

And this is my very last half Mrs Bennett, demonstrating the amazing benefits of stitching on the couch every night.
Over the course of just over two years, I've made 18 whole blocks and 4 half blocks.
Slow and steady gets there eventually and I've enjoyed every stitch!

I can't wait to start stitching this altogether.
I'm actually planning to machine stitch this instead of hand sewing.
I'll keep you posted how this goes!
Here's your Society Chip to fill out for your records...who else loves being able to reference what their prints are called easily??

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