If you've always loved the look and feel of Liberty fabrics, and thought the idea of owning any was wa-a-a-ay out of touch with reality, perhaps it's time to think again!Joining a monthly Liberty club is a fantastically affordable way to grow your collection. The prints are carefully curated to compliment each other, and you get just enough to make a project.

It's the perfect introduction to each of the prints, and if you decide you have a personal favourite, you an always order more. If you have a long term project which you're working on, you also have a ready supply for the future.I've been working with Ava&Neve for several years now, and am the proud owner of quite an impressive collection of Liberty now! Among the things we've been collaborating on is adding a pattern to your packets for inspiration!Welcome to the start of Arabesque Scissors Mini Makes, a collection of cute and useful sewing accessories, that are the perfect size for sewing with your Liberty. These are available exclusively through the Ava&Neve society at the moment!

The first pattern that arrived with the February Society was my Micro Needlebook.

It's a tiny 2 1/4" x 3" when closed, and is the perfect size for just a few of your favourite needles.

March's society is being delivered as we speak, and also contains a pattern...

Can you see a theme going here? This is the Chubby Granny Pinnie, another tiny make, just 3" square.And finally, we've been developing a collectible card which details each of the fabrics that arrive every month with your Societies. If you have been receiving these, I hope you'll bear with us while we sort out the format of these cards with Liberty.This is March's society card, and yours will arrive blank for you to fill in with your own swatches. Here's the filled in chip for your reference.

We'd love to see if you sew any of the Mini Makes from your patterns!

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