The Liberty Scrap Challenge is back for Sep - let's sew something amazing with those scraps!
Spring is here in Australia, and particularly where I live, this means the weather is warming up and the days are getting longer!
I'm feeling the need to spring clean, opening the windows and let in the fresh air!
September is the third annual #LibertyScrapChallenge hosted by Ava & Neve over on the 'Gram and Facebook.
It's perfect for that spring feeling of getting everything freshened up and organised!

I've pulled out my scrap jars and made a quilt-as-go-pouch, which was super fun to put together.
The front panel was made entirely from mis-matched scraps of different sizes, and quilted directly onto batting, which makes for a super quick finish.

Have you ever tried a QAYG project?
You can watch me make this on Insta, where I show you the process of putting the panel together, and then how to turn it into a pouch.

I sent this to some dear friends in Sydney who have been enduring a long lockdown, along with several other surprises to brighten their day!
We hope you enjoy September's gorgeous selection Liberties, and we do hope you join us to sew your scraps!!
Check out the #LibertyScrapChallenge hashtag for some great ideas and inspiration...

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